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Nonprofit Development

Why Choose ValorExcel to Setup Your New Nonprofit?

ValorExcel will collaborate with you regarding the research, development, and submission of items required to establish a nonprofit, including the Articles of Incorporation and 501c3 paperwork. We will also help you recognize other services that will benefit you as the organization grows.

Vision and Mission/Purpose Statement – ValorExcel staff will work with the client to help create clear, concise, statements to properly outline the purpose of the organization. These statements will be the driving force behind the organization and will help with the creation of the strategic plan.​


Organization Bylaws – ValorExcel will assist the client in crafting bylaws that are appropriate for the type of organization being set up. Items covered will include term limits for Board members, the number of meetings held per year, types of committees, operations based on calendar vs. fiscal year, etc.​


Setup of Federal Employer Identification Number – ValorExcel will submit an application to obtain a Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the IRS. This number is crucial for doing business, applying for grants and bank accounts, hiring employees, etc.​


MD Charitable Registration and Sales Tax Exemption Registration – ValorExcel will file client’s state and local tax exemptions, which provide exemption from income, sales, and property taxes. After setup, client will be responsible for annual reporting requirements.​


Additional Organizational Structure Items – ValorExcel will provide assistance with other items related to the structure of the organization including a preliminary organizational chart, Board members and officers job descriptions, Board meeting recommendations document, sample first year budget, conflict of interest document, and preliminary Board contract.​

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