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Sometimes In the Wind of Change We Find Our New Direction

Valor is transitioning to a new business model starting April 1, 2022.

The Valor Crisis & Training Center has long been committed to partnering with other organizations to provide educational, resource, and support services to the low-income residents of Washington County, MD. Over the years, Valor has served homeless and hear-homeless individuals and families, ex-offenders, domestic violence victims, and persons suffering from mental health and addiction issues.

From January, 2015 through February, 2022, The Valor Crisis & Training Center served a total of 3,459 clients seeking a variety of services. Including the total number of household members associated with those clients, Valor has impacted 7,724 persons in Washington County. During that period, 444 individuals received financial assistance in order to maintain or establish housing, thus reducing taxpayer burden for other more expensive services and saving the community roughly one and a half million dollars annually. Also, 1588 persons attended life development classes and learned valuable life skills including money management, relationship boundaries, parenting, goal setting, and more.

During the past two years, Valor has seen a dramatic decline in the volume of individuals seeking crisis assistance. As a result, effective April 1, 2022, The Valor Crisis & Training Center will no longer be conducting intake appointments for rental assistance, utility assistance, housing assistance, information and resources, or support services.

Valor will now be transitioning to a new service model for Washington County, “ValorExcel”, providing tools for success to both individuals and businesses. Primary services offered will include personal development coaching and self-paced online courses, as well as training, consulting, and development for nonprofits, churches, and small businesses in the areas of human resources, productivity, strategic planning, marketing/public relations, outreach development, web development, administration, compliance, fundraising, grant writing, worship technology, security and privacy, bookkeeping, and resume services.

The entire staff of The Valor Crisis & Training Center is privileged to have partnered with the various agencies and organizations of Washington County throughout the years. We appreciate the opportunity we’ve had to collaborate with others to assist the local vulnerable population, and we’re excited to provide new service options to the community in the days to come.

To find out more, call 240-329-9387 today!

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